The segregated network approach is a technically-simple way of using hierarchical assembly to produce functional micro- and nano-structures with low filler loadings, by comparison to isotropic random mixtures. This leads to conductivities exceeding those of dense-packed networks of reduced graphene oxide, illustrating the potential of explosive percolation by design to realise low-loading composites with dramatically-enhanced electrical transport properties. In situ reduction of the graphene oxide at temperatures of <150 ☌ drives chemical modification of the polymer matrix to produce species with phenolic groups, which are known crosslinking agents.

Herein, we demonstrate composites of graphene oxide and synthetic polymer latex which form segregated networks, leading to low percolation threshold and localisation of conductive pathways.

Nanocomposites present a structurally- and chemically-varied playground to realise explosive percolation in practically-applicable systems but this is yet to be exploited by design. Explosive percolation is an experimentally-elusive phenomenon where network connectivity coincides with onset of an additional modification of the system materials with correlated localisation of percolating particles and emergent conductive paths can realise sharp transitions and high conductivities characteristic of the explosively-grown network.