
Glow worm coordinate gas fire manuals for cars
Glow worm coordinate gas fire manuals for cars

4 I n s t a l l a t i o n MARK FRONT FRONT FIXING FIXING SCREW SPIGOT HOLES SPIGOT BACK BOILER DUCT FLUE FLUE FIRE FRONT COLLECTOR COLLECTOR ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY FIRE FRONT Diagram 4.4 SENSING TUBE OLIVE TUBING SECURING SCREW (2).BATTERY SECURING 4.2 Positioning the Fire Front. SCREW Take the battery from the fittings pack and fit as shown in 9V ALKALINE diagram 4.1, make sure the terminals are correctly fitted. 4 I n s t a l l a t i o n 4.1 Battery SECURING Remove the fire front from the base tray.3 F i r e F r o n t P r e p a r a t i o n Firefront sensing tube *'C' = Distance from fire fixing wall face to datums Shorten the plain end of the fire front sensing tube by on back boiler air duct.The other contains the fire front castings, side panels, plinth and loose items pack. 3 F i r e F r o n t P r e p a r a t i o n 3.1 Unpacking The fire front is delivered in two packs, one contains the body assembly, fuel effect pieces and supply tube pack.3 F i r e F r o n t P r e p a r a t i o n SCREW FRONT LEG M5x30 LEVELLING SCREW SCREW SIDE M5x14 CASTINGS SCREW UPPER WALL M5x40 MOUNTING ANCHOR UPPER WALL MOUNTING SCREW FRONT LEG M5x8.3 F i r e F r o n t P r e p a r a t i o n FIRE BODY PACK FIRE BODY ASSEMBLY WALL SEALING PLATE FLUE SPIGOT LITERATURE COMBUSTION CHAMBER FUEL BOTTOM PLATE EFFECT OPULENCE CASING PACK OPUS CASING PACK CANOPY CANOPY.The back boiler flue collector assembly accepts the fire front flue spigot. Refer to Section 2 in the Back Boiler Installation Book before starting. 2 T y p e s o f I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d F l u e 2.4 Flue Note.1.5 Clearances 1.4 Fire Front Location Restrictions must not be placed around the assembled This fire front can only be fitted to a Glow-worm 45/2 or fire front, see diagram 1.2.ĥ6/2 back boiler unit which itself has been installed in.1 G e n e r a l FLAT AREA FIRE FIXING FACE 289mm 289mm 327mm 327mm 339mm 351mm 351mm 339mm Diagram 1.1 1.3 Data Gas connection- from the service cock Total weight - 49kg Injector - upper Bray 18/180 - lower Bray 18/320 Burner pressure setting.When installing or servicing this fire front safety device please read the supplementary instructions care should be taken when handling metal parts at the back of this booklet.

glow worm coordinate gas fire manuals for cars

1 G e n e r a l Sheet Metal Parts If this fire front is to be fitted to a Glow-worm back boiler WITHOUT a combustion products discharge WARNING.3 7 3 1 4 1 5 F o r u s e w i t h a s p e c i a l l y d e s i g n e d G l o w - w o r m B a c k B o i l e r U n i t o n l y. 221098C.01.99 Installation and Servicing Instructions T o b e l e f t w i t h t h e u s e r G.Home // boilers // glow worm spares // bbu and fire fronts // coordinate firebbu range. Glowworm Glowworm Parts Lists & Diagrams Now select the appliance you need parts for: Ĭoordinate firebbu range.

Glow worm coordinate gas fire manuals for cars